Soybean press cake is one of the most valuable products for the processing of soy beans. By its nutritional value and the amount of essential amino acids, it occupies a leading place along with such high-yielding products as fodder yeast, fish and meat-and-bone meal. In this case, the content of feed units and the amount of protein, soybean press cake is significantly prevailing on other press cakes from oilseeds. The protein contained in soy press cake has a high biological value and digestibility. Besides the high-quality protein in soy press cake, it also contains useful minerals.


Package type: bulk, packed in sacks Big-bag .

Type of delivery: Auto – with / t –

Delivery terms: CPT, DDP, DAP

Settings Value
  Mass fraction of crude protein on dry matter basis,%
39.0 – 42.0
Mass fraction of crude fiber in non fat on dry matter basis,% not more than 7.0
Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, on dry matter basis,% not more 1.5
Moisture and volatile matter,% max 7.0 – 10.0
Peroxide number, ½ O mmol / g, not more than 7.0 – 10.0
Urease activity, pH 0.1 – 0.3